Inner Worth

Understanding Your Mental Blocks with Hypnotherapy

Understanding Your Mental Blocks with Hypnotherapy

Every day involves decision-making. Some small and some life-changing, we are subconsciously making decisions and embracing the changes that come with it.

If, at times, you are feeling some sort of ‘invisible force’ holding you back from doing important tasks, it might be due to a mental block. The effect is so profound that it often overpowers you and can affect your mental peace.

What are Mental Blocks?

Mental blocks are akin to temporary barriers deeply rooted in our subconscious minds. These psychological barriers don’t just hold you back from completing a task but also interrupt you from making crucial decisions.

Just like ‘writer’s block’, only that they affect anyone from any profession. These blocks are also associated with terms like ‘brain fog’ and ‘mind fatigue’.

You may also find these mental barriers barricading access to your creative side. Often you may feel like a task, creative or otherwise, is simply impossible to finish. Instead of feeling all geared up and excited about a particular task, you can feel exhausted by the mere thought of it.

At Innerworth Counselling, we understand how these psychological barriers can affect the quality of your life. So, now that you know what mental blocks are, next, let’s understand their causes.

What Causes Mental Blocks?

Mental blocks are often the remains of unsavoury experiences of the past, negative ideologies, or unresolved emotions. Over time, these mind blocks shape our thoughts, perceptions and behaviours and can lead to conditions like unexplained nervousness, anxiety, and depression

The underlying causes are many, with some being more common than others. 

  • Burnout

Not just your regular stress at work, burnout is feeling overwhelmed to the extent that it exhausts you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  • Imposter Syndrome and Self-doubt

Mental barriers can arise when grappling with self-doubt or suffering from ‘imposter syndrome’. It is like having recurrent negative feelings that you are not good enough, smart enough or not deserving of success. 

  • Perfectionism

If you always feel the need to be perfect at everything you do, over time, you can fall into the trap of having mental barriers. You may feel stuck in this endless loop of aiming for perfection and then feeling like nothing is good enough. With this mindset, you’ll struggle to start tasks, let alone finish them.

Ultimately, mental barriers are a result of limiting your beliefs. Getting past mental blocks is only possible when you deeply believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember, you become what you believe in.

Let’s discuss the task of overcoming mental blocks with hypnotherapy.

Overcoming Mental Blocks with Hypnotherapy

Dealing with mental barriers comes in many different forms. Mental blocks can take permanent residence in our subconscious minds in the form of insecurity, fear, anxiety, phobias, or past traumas.

Getting past mental blocks is not easy, but with the correct guidance, it is very much possible.

Hypnotherapy paves a pathway to demolish these limiting barriers and allows you to break free. With hypnotherapy techniques, you can chart a path towards overcoming mental blocks, securing mental freedom and transforming yourself for the better.

Contrary to the common misunderstanding, hypnotherapy does not make you lose control of yourself, nor does an external power manipulate you. Steered with empathy, empowerment and trust, hypnotherapy is a powerful tool which harnesses the combined efforts of the individual and the therapist.

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis, a state of focused attention which is leveraged for better change. At Innerworth Counselling, by harnessing the power of hypnosis, I will let your consciousness take a backseat and connect with your subconscious mind. While communicating with you, I will aim to reverse deep-rooted beliefs and unrelenting emotions to help you achieve mental freedom.

Hypnotherapy Techniques for Achieving Mental Freedom

In essence, hypnotherapy for mental blocks works by reprogramming the mind to decimate mental barriers into more healthy patterns of thinking and behaviour. Positive reinforcement, visualisation and cognitive restructuring are a few of the hypnotherapy techniques I use to help individuals get past their limiting beliefs.

Positive Reinforcement

I use positive affirmations during hypnotherapy to replace negative thoughts and phobias holding you back, thereby empowering your belief system and boosting your self-confidence. Reaffirming positive statements can help you transform and break free from limiting mental barriers. 


In this technique, you will visualise yourself overcoming self-doubt and anxiety and emerging victorious in various situations. By visualising positive outcomes, you can overcome feelings of anxiousness caused by your limiting beliefs.

Cognitive Restructuring

Here, I consciously identify and challenge the psychological blocks in your mind. For instance, for those suffering from addiction, I will guide you to self-reflect, recognise triggers, and reframe the limiting beliefs that contribute to mental blocks surrounding addiction.

Reach Out to Innerworth Counselling to Embark on Your Mental Freedom Journey Today!

Armed with knowledge of the vital role that hypnotherapy plays in overcoming mental blocks and achieving mental freedom, it is time to take the next step with Innerworth Counselling.

I am a certified and experienced hypnotherapist offering bespoke therapy plans to invoke a happier and more confident you.

Book your appointment with me today.