Inner Worth

Hypnotherapy for Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)

If you struggle with hair pulling, you will know it can feel pleasant and satisfying in the moment but soon followed by physical pain and embarrassment. Learn how with the help of hypnotherapy the underlying causes can be tackled, and the frequency of episodes reduced.

Overcoming Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania) with Hypnotherapy

If hair pulling is affecting your quality of life, you are not alone! Hair pulling (Trichotillomania), is a compulsive, obsessive disorder which can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem and shame. The obsession can destroy your confidence and leave you feeling out of control. If you’ve tried other therapies, for example CTB, and are still struggling to stop the compulsion to hair pull, then maybe hypnotherapy can provide the answer you are looking for.

Similar to habits such as thumb-sucking or nail-biting, hair pulling is a compulsive habit that often starts in adolescence, around age 12 when changes are happing to both the brain and body. Studies show that 90% of reported sufferers are women but this may be because men are less likely to seek help.

The areas affected by hair pulling are usually the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard or other parts of the body. As with any compulsive habit, the reward is a momentary sense of satisfaction or instant gratification that relieves some sort of internal conflict, such as anxiety, stress, boredom or self-doubt.

Most people who pull out their hair are totally oblivious to their habit as the process of hair pulling is generated unconsciously. Typically, a person will only discover they have pulled out a strand of hair after the event, and find themselves wondering, “Why did I do that?” They will often feel a little embarrassed or ashamed of the habit, which only goes to increase the tension around hair pulling. The habit gets reinforced every time the behaviour is repeated.

Some people go to great lengths to cover up the damage and the habit, for example wearing scarves or saying they have a skin condition if someone asks.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Hair Pulling?

The main symptom of Trichotillomania is pulling out your hair, often to the point of hair loss or bald patches. People with Trichotillomania usually pull out their hair with their fingers, but they might also use tweezers or other tools.

The compulsion to pull may be so intense that they are unable to resist it. They also say that the habit has caused negative effects on their lives, self-esteem, or well-being.

The following are common symptoms associated with hair pulling:

Donna Marie Thomas - Expert Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist based in Pontefract, West Yorkshire

Donna Marie Thomas

Hello, my name is Donna, I am a qualified counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and Registered Member of BACP based in Pontefract, West Yorkshire.

I have a passion for helping people to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life via a person centred approach to therapy tailored to meet each individuals specific needs.

Get in touch to find out more or book an appointment with me today.

How can you stop pulling out your hair?

Remember, the habit is not your fault. It’s generated by the unconscious mind as a means of releasing tension of some sort.

The steps below will help you to start to notice the triggers and the times when it happens, and then interrupt the pattern and change the behaviour.

Hypnotherapy for Hair Pulling

Overcoming hair pulling requires some self-exploration and reflection. You will need to get to know yourself and what are the underlying causes of the unconscious habit. Hypnosis works with the part of the mind responsible for hair pulling and can help you to stop the habit of hair pulling far quicker.

Hypnosis helps you to enter a deeply relaxed state of mind. When you are in this state, your subconscious is open to suggestion and new associations are formed easily. Using hypnotherapy techniques, allows us to interrupt the old destructive pattern and replace it with a new positive pattern of thought and behaviour.

It’s incredibly debilitating to live when you are always dictated by fear, however, through a process of  hypnotherapy you can regain control and a sense of balance in your life.

It may feel difficult at first, but through the guidance of hypnotherapy, you can better show up as your true self without the shadow of fear.

Here are some of the positive outcomes that hypnotherapy can offer you:

How Innerworth Counselling Can Help

Hypnotherapy can provide you with a safe, soothing, compassionate and confidential space where you can begin to discuss and understand the root causes of your hair pulling. 

Take the First Step Now

I offer private hypnotherapy, and take a person-centred approach, meaning that I’m non-judgemental, see clients as equals, and collaborate on your healing journey together. 

If you feel hypnotherapy could be beneficial for your problems with hair pulling please book an initial consultation. You don’t have to prepare for this, just come as you are and we can look into how I might be able to help.

Additional Information

Here are some links that you may find helpful:

The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call them on: 116 123.

The team at Mind provide information on a range of  mental health problems.

Contact me today to book a confidential consulation

What My Clients Say

Jason Osborne

I shall be forever bewildered by the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. I had always remained sceptical until my very last session, then the “weight” that suddenly lifted was both physical and emotional and continues to benefit both myself and those around me three years on – thank you Donna.

Jason Osborne


Abigail Johnson

I’ve finally found a solution to my dependency on food. Your weight-loss therapy sessions have seriously transformed my life. Honestly, I could cry, I am so happy and feel like a totally new person, inside and out! Truly amazing Donna​.

Abigail Johnson


Charlotte Dickinson

I went to see Donna because my anxiety and depression had spiralled out of control. I now have skills and techniques that I can use for the rest of my life to help me cope with any challenges. Thoroughly recommend psychotherapy from Innerworth Counselling. Donna is warm, professional and clearly passionate about what she does.

Charlotte Dickinson

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